Imagine the possibilities!
All of these are possible and can be learned in one weekend!
~Release the Cranial/Structural Core Distortion in 30 seconds! – and
have it last!
~ Release the Cranial/Structural Core Distortion without contraindications!
~ Release headaches, back/neck/shoulder pain, vertigo, and more in seconds!
~ Do all the above for friends, family, babies, and infants from a distance!
~ Do all of the above on dogs, cats, horses from a distance
~ Learn to drop into a loving, healing heart space to _release stress,
tension, emotional upset for yourself and others_ etc.
~ _Balance the chakras_ for yourself and others
~ Expand the Pineal Gland to _improve intuition and healing_.
~ and more!
These advanced energetic techniques use the hinge of the cranium as a
focal point to shift and balance the entire musculoskeletal
system. Never before has there been an energetic tool to generate these
changes or the awareness of how to work with this system to create
incredible life-changing results. Everyone from infancy to old age can
benefit from the resulting balance and homeostasis which occurs with
Cranial/Structural Energetics releases. Most painful conditions and
symptoms are resolved using these techniques.
$450 IF you register prior to May 1st, 2021, with a
$100 deposit to confirm your space.
Checks payable to SET, Inc.
156-B Whitaker Road
Lutz, FL 33549
Or Pay Securely via Credit/Debit Card/PayPal