Guided Healing Light Meditation

It was great to get together with our healing light community last week as we held heart-centered space for ourselves, others, and the planet. During the COVID-19 crisis and shut down, we are going to meet every other week. Our next meditation will be on Wednesday, May 6th from 8 – 9 pm, Eastern Standard […]
Update on Staying Healthy During COVID-19

By Don McCann, MA, LMT, LMHC, CSETT As more is found out about COVID-19 it becomes even more apparent that by boosting our immune system we can take responsibility to avoid having a catastrophic experience. Those who have compromised immune systems are leading in the statistics of those who do not survive this virus. Time […]

By Don McCann, MA, LMT, LMHC, CSETT Hope your day is going well, and you are healthy. I have talked to many people who are struggling to keep their mood up and stay positive. On a consult with a well-known integrative medicine practitioner, he asked me if I am taking SAM-E. He said that SAM-E […]
A Simple At-Home Treatment to Boost Your Immune System during COVID-19 Pandemic

By Don McCann, MA, LMT, LMHC, CSETT A simple self-administered treatment of hydrogen peroxide using a nebulizer has been proven to be effective against viruses. I have been passing on information for you to strengthen your immune system which only makes sense in this time of COVID-19. Dr. Mercola has again published on his website […]
Financial Resources Update, Breathing Using Wim Hof Method, Melatonin – Another Supplement To Boost Your Immune System During Covid-19 Pandemic

I hope you have enjoyed reading my previous blogs and articles. The article following this blog includes an update on financial resources. Plus there is another breathwork technique that can lower your stress and doesn’t need a facilitator, and another nutritional supplement – Melatonin – recommended by many health professionals that is getting a lot of press as one of the supplements that can boost your immune system.
Healing Group Light Meditation

Today, we are all challenged like never before by the COVID-19 Virus and for many of us, it’s never been more important for our immune systems to be functioning at their highest level.
Even in the best of times with normal every day accumulative stress, our immune systems are comprised by worry and fear but in the last month or so, mix in isolation, financial insecurity, concern for loved ones, and disruption of daily routine, and we have an array of distress recipes compromising immunity that much more.
What’s a solution? Join us as we utilize Healing Group Light Meditation to release stress and fear and bring our immune systems to their highest level of functioning. Even if you don’t meditate, the guided Healing Group Light Meditation will work for you.
Meditation – Benefits, How To, Different Types During COVID-19

I have talked with many clients and massage therapists about the benefits of meditation and there are always a number of questions. The most common is how do I meditate? I answer that there are many ways to meditate and give examples of many of those. However, this answer many times creates confusion because when people meditate at first they think their mind is going to go blank immediately. They don’t understand that they just need to observe what the mind is doing while focusing on the process. Since there are so many types of meditation I am going to discuss progressive relaxation, mantras, countdowns, guided meditations, and my personal favorite – the Light Meditation that can also be used as a very powerful distance healing tool. If you would like to learn to meditate, or would like to try another form of meditation, please read the following article
What You Can Do If You Are Infected With COVID-19

I hope you never have this experience but if you are infected with COVID-19 there are some very important steps you can take that can drastically reduce or diminish the severity of your case. As the CDC says isolate yourself and contact your medical doctor, then get tested as soon as possible. This is all that many people know that they can do. Dr. Lee Cowden, Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of ACIM, has compiled steps you can take for physician directed self-treatment or your physician to use for treatments that are holistic. He recommends this for his family members. These are procedures that many doctors would not necessarily know about, but could use them in your treatments. Find out more in this article.
What You Can Do if You Have Been Exposed to COVID-19

If you know you have been exposed to COVID-19 it is the time to be very aggressive in maximizing your immune system, the only defense you have against the virus. There are some steps you can take that have already shown success in China, and other steps you can take that have shown consistent success against flus and other viruses. These are not being widely broadcast in the news, but that does not mean that they could not make a difference in your fight against the COVID-19. Take a proactive aggressive stance to maximize your immune system and minimize the risk if you contact COVID-19. You don’t have to just wait and feel helpless.
How to apply for State and Federal Financial Assistance – COVID-19

If you are a massage therapist the Governor’s Executive Order #20-72 on March 20, 2020 resulted in your being unable to treat clients creating a financial hardship. Whether you work for a business that provided massage therapy, had your own business, or were self-employed you are no longer able to make a living doing massage. Both the State and Federal governments have made financial assistance available. Massage therapists who either worked for a business or were sole proprietors qualify for unemployment for up to 16 weeks. This is accessed by applying online to Unemployment will also be subsidized by the Federal government with an additional amount up to $600 a week. There is also a small business loan available from the SBA with a paycheck protection program for sole proprietorship or corporations, and any small business is eligible to borrow 250% of their average monthly payroll expenses intended to cover eight weeks of payroll expenses and additional amounts toward making payments toward debt obligations. Find out how to file for the financial assistance that you qualify for.