Quantum mechanics allows healing at a distance

When applying energetic healing techniques, you are not limited to being in the person’s or animal’s physical space. In fact, healing energy can sometimes be more effective from a distance! This opens up tremendous possibilities for working with people around the world who need the benefits of Cranial/structural Energetics.  Since all humans and mammals are […]

Now is the time to reverse problems in infants and young children

Cranial/Structural Energetics for children

Cranial/Structural Therapy has been of tremendous benefit to infants and young children. Here are some incredible ways in which it has helped: a three week old infant that was born with Torticollis and was scheduled for surgery at six months of age was able to resume normal head and neck range of motion after just one […]

Your pet can live a healthier, happier life

healthy, happy, playful pet

Cranial/Structural Energetics is not just for humans. All living beings can benefit from this incredible healing energy. Take a look at this letter of gratitude from a pet owner who had nearly given up hope, until she heard about Cranial/Structural Energetics: Dear Don, When you, Pam, and Laura did Cranial/Stuctural Energeitcs at a distance for […]

The benefits of Cranial/Structural Energetics for new mothers

new mother and baby

The miracle of giving new life through birth is such a joyful occasion! However, the challenge for the new mother is the pain following that momentous event at a time when she knows her tiny child is totally dependent on her and she wants to give so much. Often this pain is caused by a […]

The missing link

Pain Relief from Cranial/Structural Energetics

There is one very important variable in treating neck and back problems that is almost unrecognized by the medical profession. It is the cranium and its relationship to supporting the spine. Distortions found in the cranium reflect in the misalignment of the pelvis, resulting in a tipped sacrum (the base of the spine). When the […]

Relief from chronic headaches

relief from chronic hedache

In answer to Sally’s question,” Will the CSE energetic cranial releases help me with my chronic headaches?” The answer is an emphatic “YES!” There have been many cases where the reason for the CSE energetic treatments have been headaches. Some have been when clients have been present in the office and others when clients have […]

Understanding Degenerative Disc Disease

degenerative disc disease

The diagnosis of “Degenerative Disc Disease” by medical practitioners has scarred and upset many of the clients I have treated over a period of years. It sounds so overwhelming, insidious and final. If the patients only knew that it is a result of being in the core distortion pattern present when they were born. The […]

Stepping outside the box of our mental beliefs

Don McCann teaches how to expand belief systems

One of the limiting factors in developing these potentials for healing that we each tend to struggle with is the limiting structure of our already formulated beliefs that are full of biases which keep many doors shut. The ability to visualize almost to the point of hallucination is an asset in developing intuition and our […]

SET featured in February issue of MASSAGE Magazine

Cranial/Structural Energetics in Massage Magazine

“Imagine: A client comes for a massage session complaining of sever sinus pain. He could not have received a therapeutic treatment session in such an acute condition, so he is asked if it is okay for some energy healing to be applied to his sinuses so he can be comfortable enough to lie down and […]

True healing comes through the heart space

Heart Space

True healing comes through the heart space. Research has confirmed that the way to develop intuition is to allow energy to come through by developing a bigger space in your heart. This does not mean that we have to have gushy emotional love for everyone to whom we want to send healing energy. Instead the […]